Newest GOP Speaker Nominee Mike Johnson Intends To Take Bid To House Floor

Newest GOP Speaker Nominee Mike Johnson Intends To Take Bid To House Floor

Rep. Mike Johnson Wins GOP Nomination For Speaker

Rep. Mike Johnson Wins GOP Nomination For Speaker

Several House Republicans Refuse To Vote For Scalise As Speaker

Several House Republicans Refuse To Vote For Scalise As Speaker

House GOP Conference Selects Speaker Candidate

House GOP Conference Selects Speaker Candidate

GOP’s Links To Extremism Surface In Congressional Primary

GOP’s Links To Extremism Surface In Congressional Primary

Suspect Accused Of Flashing Genitals Outside OK State Fair

Suspect Accused Of Flashing Genitals Outside OK State Fair

OKC Firefighters Surprise Elementary School Kids With Winter Coats

OKC Firefighters Surprise Elementary School Kids With Winter Coats

Sometimes it's not too early to spread a little Christmas cheer. Oklahoma City firefighters and Continental Resources did just that for an entire elementary school.